African Odyssey

In 2015, our founder traveled to four countries in Africa to meet with the founder of the Africa Children’s Choir (ACC) with the hopes of crafting a leadership development and mentoring program for some of the most disenfranchised children in the world. The goal of this effort was similar to Outdoor Odyssey’s signature mentoring program— raise the performance level of young students within the ACC to increase their ability to succeed in school and become change makers in their respective countries.

Our founder ranks the founder of the ACC as one of the most impressive people he has ever met, with the African children within the program easily competing for the most inspiring. Through the work of Outdoor Odyssey and the African Children’s Choir, African Odyssey was created.

Since the 2015 creation of African Odyssey, active mentoring programs have been created in Uganda and Keyna. Representatives of the ACC from the above countries spent extended periods of time at Outdoor Odyssey to gain firsthand experiences of practices and protocols to bring back to their home program.

Mobile training teams comprised of wounded warriors, team leaders and volunteers from Semper Fi Odyssey have traveled to Africa with Outdoor Odyssey staff members to conduct special training sessions to reinforce the mentoring effort. Two teachers from a school that attends an annual Outdoor Odyssey leadership academy also traveled to Africa and are working to form an alliance between the ACC and their school, an alliance that will cultivate many benefits through the sharing of ideas, virtual classrooms and potentially a student exchange in the future.